Camborne, Redruth & Hayle Labour The Labour Party in Camborne & Redruth Constituency
Perran Moon, Labour Parliamentary candidate in Camborne, Redruth & Hayle, is calling on Cornwall Council to immediately release the results of the crucial question on a Mayor for Cornwall, included in the consultation process questionnaire for the proposed devolution deal for Cornwall.
The Council has stated that they will not release the results until the entire consultation report has been compiled later next month. But the results of the crucial Question 11, relating to a Mayor for Cornwall, was a simple multiple choice question with 6 categories (agree strongly, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, disagree strongly, don’t know). The percentages for each category became available as soon as the consultation ended on 17th February.
Perran Moon said: ‘It’s extremely common in such consultations for preliminary results to be published, before a full detailed report. Given the public interest in this issue right across Cornwall, it seems odd to me that the Conservative-run Cornwall Council wants to delay publishing any results, until a full report is made later next month. The people of Cornwall have been asked for their views in a consultation and have given them. A delay of several weeks while a full-blown report is published is concerning.’
The Labour Party has confirmed that they would not impose an unwanted Mayor on Cornwall and any decision to reject a Mayor would have no bearing on a future devolution deal offered by a Labour government.